Who We Are
The FHMS FACE/PTO Team is a network of parents who volunteer their time and talent to build a community of support for parents, teachers, and students. We do this through many activities throughout the school year. Some activities are designed to raise money to fund a variety of needs in our school, such as:
- Book Fairs
- Adult Trivia Nights
- Spring Craft Fair
- Indirect Fundraising via Amazon, Schnucks, and other store programs
- Script Gift Card Sales
Funds raised from events like these go directly to our school in various ways. In the past we have funded things such as:
- Water Bottle-style drinking fountains for the school
- 60+ Chrome Books and multiple carts used by multiple departments
- Google viewers to allow for 3D learning
- Financial support for NJHS, WEB, Spelling Bee, and At-Need Fund
Other activities are focused on building relationships between the school and community and have no fundraising component, such as:
- Family Trivia Nights
- Book Studies
- Supporting FHMS Adopt-a-Family holiday program
- Christmas Wrap Program
- Conference and Appreciation Luncheons for Teachers
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